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Iran tests ballistic missiles as part of war drills designed to prepare for potential strikes on Israeli military facilities
By Richard Brown
AI quickly resorts to launching NUCLEAR WEAPONS as a method of resolving conflicts in war simulation
By Ava Grace
Paranoid Pentagon now says “Russian nukes in space” will destroy America
By Ethan Huff
Moscow questions Washington leadership’s health and ability to control the U.S. nuclear chain of command
By Belle Carter
Military whistleblowers claim UFO successfully disabled American nuclear warhead during routine test
By Richard Brown
Steve Quayle: Push for WWIII part of a “glorified Luciferian globalist plan” to exterminate humanity
By Kevin Hughes
D.C.-based NGO claims Iran is capable of building a nuclear bomb in ONE WEEK
By Ethan Huff
Former Russian President Medvedev warns of nuclear “apocalypse” if NATO attacks
By Cassie B.
Report: Iran may be able to create a nuclear weapon WITHIN A WEEK
By Richard Brown
Police discover a NUCLEAR MISSILE in a man’s garage in Washington state
By Zoey Sky
Ray McGovern: NEOCONS and WARMONGERS in Biden admin are pushing U.S. into war with Iran
By Kevin Hughes
Show of force: U.K. announces test-fire of Trident 2 nuclear missile
By Ava Grace
Anti-nuclear weapons group: Return of U.S. nuclear weapons to the U.K. would “make Britain a guaranteed target”
By Kevin Hughes
Iran declares RED LINE: If U.S. strikes Iranian soil over three soldier deaths, Iran will strike numerous American targets throughout Middle East
By Ethan Huff
Kim Jong-Un to NoKor military: ANNIHILATE South Korea and the U.S. if provoked
By Kevin Hughes
Kim Jong Un: U.S., Japan and South Korea may team up to LAUNCH NUKES against North Korea this year
By Arsenio Toledo
Biden and his warmongering, uni-party, death hawks maneuver to get America nuked as Biden now urges ‘direct conflict’ with Russia as America runs low on weaponry and ammo
By News Editors
U.S. and Israel may be secretly using neutron bombs to achieve genetic destruction of Palestinians, radiation expert warns
By Belle Carter
Israel deploying prohibited NEUTRON BOMBS to destroy Gaza and carry out ethnic cleansing, warns nuclear weapons expert
By Ethan Huff
Israel accused of secretly deploying NEUTRON BOMBS in Gaza as weapons of genetic extermination
By Mike Adams
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